Residential Solar PanelsDue to the rising cost of electricity and the current movement to be green, homeowners are exploring different options to power their homes. One of the simplest options is to install residential solar panels.

Residential solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. This electricity is used to power the residence. Any extra electricity produced is sold to the utility company.

Residential solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (pv) cells. A photovoltaic cell is made from a silicon wafer. When a photon from the sun strikes the silicon wafer, it causes an electron to break free. This electron is captured by the metal grid on the surface of a residential solar panel and channeled to a terminal.

The amount of electricity produced by a residential solar panel depends on many variables:

1. Angle of the residential solar panels to the sun
2. Time of day
3. Time of year
4. Weather conditions

Think about it. When does it feel the hottest during the year? In the middle of a cloudless, summer day in direct sunlight. This is when the most photons are striking the solar panels, producing the greatest amount of electricity.

Residential solar panels produce electricity as long as sunlight is present. So on cloudy days, during the winter, or at sunset/sunrise, residential solar panels are producing electricity.

Since each home has different energy requirements and a unique architecture, homeowners should contact a quality solar installer. Solar installers know how to maximize the benefits of residential solar panels.

Looking to get residential solar panels installed on your home?  Contact NexGen Construction for a free quote.