Solar Billing Plan for Solar + Storage Batteries

NEM 3.0 incentivizes homeowners to be self-sufficient.
The time-varying rate of energy motivates homeowners to store excess generated solar and consume it during peak demand. In addition, the rate incentivizes homeowners to export energy during high compensation periods. The combination of avoiding grid energy during peak times and selling energy during certain other peak times can result in a substantial financial return on investment for homeowners.

      1. Existing Solar Owners under NEM 1.0 and NEM 2.0 may add the greater of 10% of existing solar size or up to 1 kW of New Solar Panels, or Battery Storage at a later date without changing to NEM 3.0.
      2. Solar Billing Plan uses the TOU-D-Prime rate plan.
      3. Until 4/14/28, early adopters will receive an Energy Export Bonus Credit upto $0.04 per kWh.
      4. The legacy period under Solar Billing Plan will be 9 years.
      5. Solar may be sized up to 150% of previous 12 months usage if loads will increase.  If 12 months usage is not available, customer may attest to the expected usage.

    Optional SGIP Battery Rebate

    The California Self-Generation Incentive Program has been given another $900mm for battery rebates.  Rebate for a 10 kW Storage Battery System of more than $1400.
    NEM 1.0 & 2.0 existing solar users adding battery storage must change to NEM 3.0 Solar Billing Plan Net Billing Tariff if battery rebate is desired. 

    30% Federal Tax Credit Extended

    Under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Solar and/or Battery Storage Systems will receive a 30% Federal Tax Credit through 2032.

    Permitted solar projects are not subject to property taxes and increase home value.

    Installing a solar + battery system is easier than changing cell phone providers

The following list will help you prepare for your switch to clean and economical solar+battery:

1. Send us all the pages of your most recent electricity bill (Optional extra: Send us 13 months of Green Button data). Southern California Edison customers may follow the following procedure to obtain the information to send us.

How to Access Your SCE Usage Data

  1. Log In to SCE My Account
  2. Click “View Bill PDF” and it will download to your computer to attach to an email.
  3. Optional extra: Top right, click “…More”, click “Data Sharing and Download”.
    1. Under ‘Green Button Download My Data’ Icon, click “Download”.
    2. Click on your Service Account address.
    3. Select a date range (13 months) using both drop-downs, choose CSV format, checkbox “I am not a robot”, click “Download”.
    4. The file should be in your Downloads folder on your computer.
  4. Attach file(s) to an email to send to us.

This information is used to project the maximum solar system size to produce the electricity you use, or will use (Electric Vehicle purchase), annually.

2. Establish a budget to share with Eric Helgeson. There is no wrong answer, your decision will impact how much money you save on your electricity bill each month.  We suggest thinking in terms of investments whereby the savings on your electricity bill is like receiving a monthly dividend check in the mail.  The total annual dividends (savings) less expenses (financing) divided by total investment (system cost after incentives) is your return on investment to compare with other savings options. If you could invest any amount of money (from your savings or financing), in a mutual fund that is risk-free, non-volatile and providing a long-term 10% tax-free annual return on investment, how much would you invest? Budgets typically range from $10,000 – $100,000 for residential. Budgeting is not required for solar leases because the return on investment primarily goes to the leasing company.

3. If you may be financing, know your credit score to help Eric Helgeson show financing payment options that may apply.  The credit score is used by Eric Helgeson to show you the return on investment from electricity savings after financing.  You may obtain a credit score from

4. Know how much you paid in federal taxes last year.  Look at your IRS form 1040 page 2.  Find the line that says “This is your total tax.”  Solar+Battery System owners receive a 30% Federal Tax Credit to reduce their Total Tax.  Eric Helgeson will provide more information during the estimate.


5.  Share any preferences on location, size or appearance of the solar system.  Eric Helgeson will incorporate your preferences into the solar estimate.

6.  If the system fits within your budget, how soon before you would like to start generating your own electricity?  No one has saved more money by waiting to go solar+battery.  If your property is solar friendly, you should consider yourself lucky because 75% of properties were not built to maximize the solar resources.  Eric Helgeson will show you how you can benefit from a solar+battery system AND will work with you to choose the most economical way to own it.

7. Review the California Solar Consumer Protection Guide

Considering these items to share with Eric Helgeson during the estimate will make it easy and economical for you to switch to clean solar energy.

Understanding Your New Solar Billing Plan (SBP) Bill
by SCE

So Cal Edison 2024 Solar Billing Plan
by SCE